Alyssa's Coding Journal


An Introduction

Author: Alyssa Riceman


This is my first time attempting a project of this sort. I’m not quite sure how it’s going to go. I suppose we’ll see.

On this blog, I intend to post about whatever interesting new code-related things I learn as I program. Useful libraries or functions I discover; odd behavioral quirks of one system or another; et cetera.

A warning: my posts here will not be exhaustively researched. My posts will be about my best understanding of a given topic at the time of writing, and I make no guarantees as to either their accuracy or their completeness, although if I discover that a given post was egregiously wrong in some manner I may go back and insert a correction.

With that warning out of the way, to anyone who may have found this blog by one means or another: welcome! And I hope that your time spent reading here is pleasant, informative, or otherwise worthwhile.

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