Release: Fluorite
Author: Alyssa Riceman
For the last couple months, I’ve been working on building a dice roller in Rust, named Fluorite. It’s nowhere near complete, yet—still very much a work-in-progress—but, at least for my own use case, it’s successfully outstripped all other dice rollers I’m aware of in convenience and ease-of-use. As of this afternoon, I’ve put out Fluorite’s first public release. The repo is here, for the interested, and the release is here.
The current release is only for 64-bit Windows, since setting up a good cross-platform release pipeline has proven harder than expected. Nonetheless, it’s an exciting milestone, and over coming weeks I hope to improve my release process and add in support for further platforms.
I don’t intend to post Fluorite updates on here on an overly frequent basis; this is my programming blog, not my this-one-bit-of-software-I’m-working-on blog. Those interested in following Fluorite development in depth are free to do so via GitHub. But I figure the initial announcement, at least, is worth making here.
Tags: Fluorite